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Flourless Orange Cake


2 Large Oranges (or 3 medium)
1/2 lb Ground Almonds
1/2 lb White Sugar
1 teaspn Baking Powder
6 extra large Eggs


Grease and flour a cake tin with removable bottom Preheat oven to 375 F - 400 F Wash and boil the oranges unpeeled in some water for nearly 2 hours - careful not to let them boil dry Let them cool, then cut open and remove pips. Put the pipless oranges in processor and zap into pulp. In a large bowl beat the eggs till well mixed and then add the ground almonds (If you can't find commercially ground almonds, skinless almonds should be ground very fine using some of the sugar in the processor with the almonds, so that they do not get too "greasy"), sugar, baking powder and orange pulp - mix thoroughly and pour into cake tin. Bake for about an hour and toward the end check - if still pretty wet leave another 5 + mins and recheck. Cool in cake tin. This is a very moist cake almost like a pudding

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